CodeTacticalReroutingApplicationType European Supplement


A code indicating how the tactical rerouting measure is to be applied.

Source: SESAR


Properties Definition Type
EXECUTE Indicates it concerns an execute rerouting. In this case either the FTFM or RTFM are replaced by the rerouting. No proposal flights are created. This rerouting applies to flights in a simulation or flights in status planned (typically all flights on the pre-tactical dataset).

enum value

FOR_INDICATION_WITHOUT_AUTOMATIC_PROPOSAL_FLIGHT Indicates if proposal flights need to be automatically generated for all successfully rerouted flights and if so, what kind (null means no proposals need to be automatically generated).

enum value

FOR_INDICATION_WITH_AUTOMATIC_RRP Indicates it concerns a rerouting for indication. Optionally proposal flights can be created and the corresponding RRP messages sent.

enum value

FOR_INDICATION_WITH_AUTOMATIC_RRN Indicates it concerns a rerouting for indication. Optionally proposal flights can be created and the corresponding RRN messages sent.

enum value



Indicates it concerns an execute rerouting. In this case either the FTFM or RTFM are replaced by the rerouting. No proposal flights are created. This rerouting applies to flights in a simulation or flights in status planned (typically all flights on the pre-tactical dataset).

type: enum value



Indicates if proposal flights need to be automatically generated for all successfully rerouted flights and if so, what kind (null means no proposals need to be automatically generated).

type: enum value



Indicates it concerns a rerouting for indication. Optionally proposal flights can be created and the corresponding RRP messages sent.

type: enum value



Indicates it concerns a rerouting for indication. Optionally proposal flights can be created and the corresponding RRN messages sent.

type: enum value