

A code describing the types of weather phenomenon.

Source: SESAR


Properties Definition Type
DUST_STORM An ensemble of particles of dust energetically lifted to great heights by a strong and turbulent wind.

enum value

TEMPERATURE_INVERSION Vertical temperature distribution such that temperature increases with height.

enum value

SQUALL Atmospheric phenomenon characterized by an abrupt and large increase of wind speed with a duration of the order of minutes which diminishes rather suddenly. It is often accompanied by showers or thunderstorms.

enum value

SANDSTORM An ensemble of particles of sand energetically lifted to great heights by a strong and turbulent wind.

enum value

SAND_WHIRL An ensemble of particles sand, sometimes accompanied by small litter, raised from the ground in the form of a whirling column of varying height with a small diameter and an approximately vertical axis.

enum value

RADIOACTIVE_CLOUD A radioactive particulate contaminated atmospheric area.

enum value

OCEAN_ICE_OBSTRUCTION Ocean ice obstruction is a large piece of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier or an ice shelf and is floating freely in open water.

enum value

MOUNTAIN_WAVE Atmospheric internal gravity waves, which are periodic changes of atmospheric pressure, temperature and orthometric height in a current of air.

enum value

MOUNTAIN_OBSCURATION Description of a visibility condition that is distinguished from IFR because ceilings, by definition, are described as above ground level" (AGL). In mountainous terrain clouds can form at altitudes significantly higher than the weather reporting station and at the same time nearby mountain tops may be obscured by low visibility. In these areas the ground level can also vary greatly over a small area. "

enum value

MESOCYCLONE_ALOFT A storm-scale region of rotation, typically around 2-6 miles in diameter and often found in the right rear flank of a supercell (or often on the eastern, or front, flank of a high precipitation storm). The circulation of a mesocyclone covers an area much larger than the tornado that may develop within it. Properly used, mesocyclone is a radar term; it is defined as a rotation signature appearing on Doppler radar that meets specific criteria for magnitude, vertical depth, and duration.

enum value

LIGHTNING Luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains.

enum value

FUNNEL_CLOUD Cloud formed at the core of a waterspout or tornado vortex, sometimes extending right down to the ground, caused by the reduction of pressure at the centre of the vortex.

enum value

FOG_BANK Generally, a fairly well defined mass of fog observed in the distance, most commonly at sea. It is reported when occurring at the station. It is also reported when visible from the station but not occurring at the station and considered to be operationally significant.

enum value

DUST_WHIRL An ensemble of particles of dust or sand, sometimes accompanied by small litter, raised from the ground in the form of a whirling column of varying height with a small diameter and an approximately vertical axis.

enum value



An ensemble of particles of dust energetically lifted to great heights by a strong and turbulent wind.

type: enum value



Vertical temperature distribution such that temperature increases with height.

type: enum value



Atmospheric phenomenon characterized by an abrupt and large increase of wind speed with a duration of the order of minutes which diminishes rather suddenly. It is often accompanied by showers or thunderstorms.

type: enum value



An ensemble of particles of sand energetically lifted to great heights by a strong and turbulent wind.

type: enum value



An ensemble of particles sand, sometimes accompanied by small litter, raised from the ground in the form of a whirling column of varying height with a small diameter and an approximately vertical axis.

type: enum value



A radioactive particulate contaminated atmospheric area.

type: enum value



Ocean ice obstruction is a large piece of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier or an ice shelf and is floating freely in open water.

type: enum value



Atmospheric internal gravity waves, which are periodic changes of atmospheric pressure, temperature and orthometric height in a current of air.

type: enum value



Description of a visibility condition that is distinguished from IFR because ceilings, by definition, are described as above ground level" (AGL). In mountainous terrain clouds can form at altitudes significantly higher than the weather reporting station and at the same time nearby mountain tops may be obscured by low visibility. In these areas the ground level can also vary greatly over a small area. "

type: enum value



A storm-scale region of rotation, typically around 2-6 miles in diameter and often found in the right rear flank of a supercell (or often on the eastern, or front, flank of a high precipitation storm). The circulation of a mesocyclone covers an area much larger than the tornado that may develop within it. Properly used, mesocyclone is a radar term; it is defined as a rotation signature appearing on Doppler radar that meets specific criteria for magnitude, vertical depth, and duration.

type: enum value



Luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains.

type: enum value



Cloud formed at the core of a waterspout or tornado vortex, sometimes extending right down to the ground, caused by the reduction of pressure at the centre of the vortex.

type: enum value



Generally, a fairly well defined mass of fog observed in the distance, most commonly at sea. It is reported when occurring at the station. It is also reported when visible from the station but not occurring at the station and considered to be operationally significant.

type: enum value



An ensemble of particles of dust or sand, sometimes accompanied by small litter, raised from the ground in the form of a whirling column of varying height with a small diameter and an approximately vertical axis.

type: enum value