Contextual Model Abbreviations
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Abbreviation | Term |
A-SMGCS | Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System |
WINTEM | Wind and temperature information |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System - 1984 |
WGS | World Geodetic System |
Wb | Weber |
WAFC | World area forecast centre |
WAAS | Wide area augmentation system |
W | Watt |
VOR | VHF omnidirectional radio range |
Voice-ATIS | Voice Automatic Terminal Information Service |
VNAV | Vertical Navigation |
VMC | Visual meteorological conditions |
VIP | Very important person |
VHF | Very high frequency |
VGSI | Visual Glide Slope Indicator |
VFR | Visual flight rules |
VASIS | Visual approach slope indicator systems |
VAAC | Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre |
V | Volt |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
UIR | Upper flight information region |
UHF | Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz] |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System |
UAC | Upper area control centre |
TWR | Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome control |
TSAT | Target Start Up Approval Time |
TS | Traffic Synchronisation |
TREND | Trend forecast |
TRA | Temporary Reserved Airspace |
TR | Track |
TORA | Take-off run available |
TODAH | Take-off distance available (for helicopters) |
TODA | Take-off distance available |
TOD | Top of Descent |
TOC | Top of Climb |
TOBT | Target off-block time |
TMA | Terminal control area |
TLOF | Touchdown and lift-off area |
TCAC | Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre |
TAS | True airspeed |
TAR | Terminal Airspace Radar |
TAF | Terminal Aerodrome Forecast |
TACAN | UHF tactical air navigation aid |
TAA | Terminal Arrival Altitude |
T | Tesla |
t | Tonne |
Sv | Sievert |
SUP | Supplement (AIP Supplement) |
STAR | Standard instrument arrival |
STA | Straight-in Approach |
SSR | Secondary surveillance radar |
SRE | Surveillance radar element of precision |
SPECI | Aerodrome special meteorological report (in meteorological code) |
SNOCLO | Aerodrome closed due to snow (used in METAR/SPECI) |
SLA | Seaplane Landing Area |
SIGMET | Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations |
SID | Standard instrument departure |
SHF | Super high frequency [3 000 to 30 000 MHz] |
SELCAL | Selective Calling System |
SEL | Sound Exposure Level |
SDF | (i) Step down fix (ii) Simplified Directional Facility |
SBAS | Satellite-based augmentation system |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
S | Siemens |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum |
RVR | Runway visual range |
RTODAH | Rejected take-off distance available (for helicopters) |
RSA | Runway safety area |
RPL | Repetitive flight plan |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
RNAV | Area navigation |
RIF | Reclearance in flight |
RESA | Runway end safety area |
RCP | Required Communications Performance |
RA | Resolution Advisory |
QNH | Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground |
QFE | Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold) |
PSR | Primary surveillance radar |
PRP | Point-in-space reference point |
PIREP | Pilot Report |
PIB | Pre-flight information bulletin |
PBN | Performance Based Navigation |
PAX | Passenger(s) |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
PAPI | Precision approach path indicator |
PANS | Procedures for air navigation services |
PA | Precision Approach |
OPMET | Operational meteorological (information) |
OLDI | On-line data interchange |
OFZ | Obstacle free zone |
OFIS | Operational Flight Information Service |
OCH | Obstacle Clearance Height |
OCA | Obstacle Clearance Altitude |
OBST | Obstacle |
O | Ohm |
NTZ | No transgression zone |
NPA | Non-precision approach |
NOZ | Normal operating zone |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen |
NOF | International NOTAM Office |
NM | Nautical miles |
NDB | Non-directional radio beacon |
NAV | Navigation |
NAT | North Atlantic |
N | Newton |
MWO | Meteorological Watch Office |
MSSR | Monopulse secondary surveillance radar |
MSL | Mean sea level |
MSA | Minimum Sector Altitude |
MPS | Metres per second |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Standards |
MOCA | Minimum obstacle clearance altitude |
MNPS | Minimum navigation performance specifications |
MNM | Minimum |
MMS | Mission Management System |
MLS | Microwave landing system |
MKR | Marker Radio Beacon |
MHZ | Megahertz |
METAR | Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code) |
MET REPORT | Local routine meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language) |
MET | Meteorological or meteorology |
MEA | Minimum en-route altitude |
MDH | Minimum descent height |
MDCRS | Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System |
MDA | Minimum descent altitude |
MAX | Maximum |
MAPT | Missed approach point |
MAHF | Missed approach holding fix |
m | Metre |
LVP | Low Visibility Procedures |
LVL | Level |
LTP | Landing threshold point |
LPV | Localizer Precision approach with Vertical guidance |
LORAN | long range air navigation system |
lm | Lumen |
LLWS | Low Level Wind Shear |
LDAH | Landing distance available (for helicopters) |
LDA | Landing Distance Available |
L | Litre |
KW | Kilowatts |
KT | Knot |
KMH | Kilometres per hour |
KM | Kilometres |
KHZ | Kilohertz |
KG | Kilogram |
K | Kelvin |
J | Joule |
IMC | Instrument meteorological conditions |
ILS | Instrument landing system |
IFR | Instrument flight rules |
IFPS | Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System |
IF | Intermediate Approach Fix |
ID | Identifier or identify |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IAS | Indicated airspeed |
IAP | Instrument Approach Procedure |
IAF | Initial Approach Fix |
HZ | Hertz (cycle per second) |
HGT | Height or height above |
HAPI | Helicopter approach path indicator |
H | Henry |
H | Orthometric Height |
GUFI | Globally Unique Flight Identifier |
GRIB | Processed meteorological data in the form of grid point values expressed in binary form (aeronautical meteorological code) |
GPS | Global positioning system |
GNSS | Global navigation satellite system |
GLONASS | Global orbiting navigation satellite system |
GBAS | Ground-Based Augmentation System |
GARP | GBAS azimuth reference point |
GANIS | Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium |
GA | General Aviation |
FTP | Fictitious threshold point |
ft | Feet (dimensional unit) |
FPL | Filed Flight Plan |
FPAP | Flight path alignment point |
FMS | Flight management system |
FMP | Flow Management Position |
FIS | Flight information service |
FIR | Flight information region |
FIC | Flight Information Centre |
FF-ICE | Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment |
FDPS | Flight data processing system |
FATO | Final approach and take-off area |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System |
FAF | Final approach fix |
FAC | Facilities |
F | Farad |
ETOT | Estimated Take-Off Time |
ETO | Estimated time over e.g. significant point |
ETD | Estimated time of departure or estimating departure |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival |
EPR | Engine pressure ratio |
EOBT | Estimated off-block time |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter |
ELEV | Elevation |
ELDT | Estimated Landing Time |
EIBT | Estimated In-Block Time |
EET | Estimated Elapsed Time |
eAIP | Electronic AIP |
DVOR | Doppler VOR |
DSLT | Airport Departure Slot |
DME | Distance measuring equipment |
DLIC | Data link initiation capability |
DIC | Diplomatic Clearance |
DH | Decision Height |
DCT | Direct (in relation to flight-plan clearances and type of approach) |
DCP | Datum Crossing Point |
DA | Decision Altitude |
D-ATIS | Data link automatic terminal information service |
CTA | Control Area |
CPL | Current flight plan (message type designator) |
CPDLC | Controller-pilot data link communications |
COP | Change-over point |
COM | Communications |
CNS | Communications, navigation and surveillance |
CFMU | Central Flow Management Unit |
CDTI | Cockpit Display of Traffic Information |
CDO | Continuous Descent Operations (defined by ICAO) |
CDL | Configuration Deviation List |
cd | Candela |
CAVOK | Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions (Ceiling and visibility OK). |
CAT | Category |
CAS | Calibrated Airspeed |
C | Coulomb |
C | Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) |
Bq | Becquerel |
AWY | Airway |
AW | Aerial Work |
ATZ | Aerodrome Traffic Zone |
ATSU | ATS unit |
ATS | Air traffic services |
ATN | Aeronautical Telecommunications Network |
ATM | Air traffic management |
ATIS | Automatic terminal information service |
ATFM | Air traffic flow management |
ATCO | Air traffic controller |
ATC | Air traffic control (in general) |
ASM | Airspace Management |
ASLT | Airport Arrival Slot |
ASDA | Accelerate-stop distance available |
ASBU | Aviation Service Block Upgrade (ICAO) |
ARP | Aerodrome Reference Point |
APV | Approach procedure with vertical guidance |
APP | Approach Control |
AOC | Air Operator Certificate |
ANSP | Air Navigation Services Provider |
AMSL | Above mean sea level |
AMS | Aeronautical Mobile Services |
AMDT | Amendment (AIP Amendment) |
ALT | Altitude |
AIXM | Aeronautical Information Exchange Model |
AIS | Aeronautical information services |
AIRMET | Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations |
AIREP | Air-report |
AIRAC | Aeronautical information regulation and control |
AIP | Aeronautical information publication |
AIC | Aeronautical information circular |
AGL | Above ground level |
AFTN | Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network |
AFIS | Aerodrome Flight Information Service |
AFIL | Flight plan filed in the air |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Contract |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast |
ADS | Automatic dependent surveillance |
ADES | Aerodrome of Destination |
ADEP | Aerodrome of Departure |
ACK | Acknowledge |
ACC | Area control center or area control |
ACAS | Airborne collision avoidance system |
ACARS | Aircraft communication addressing and reporting system |