Contextual Model Abbreviations

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Abbreviation Term
A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
WINTEM Wind and temperature information
WGS84 World Geodetic System - 1984
WGS World Geodetic System
Wb Weber
WAFC World area forecast centre
WAAS Wide area augmentation system
W Watt
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
Voice-ATIS Voice Automatic Terminal Information Service
VNAV Vertical Navigation
VMC Visual meteorological conditions
VIP Very important person
VHF Very high frequency
VGSI Visual Glide Slope Indicator
VFR Visual flight rules
VASIS Visual approach slope indicator systems
VAAC Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre
V Volt
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UIR Upper flight information region
UHF Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz]
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UAS Unmanned Aircraft System
UAC Upper area control centre
TWR Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome control
TSAT Target Start Up Approval Time
TS Traffic Synchronisation
TREND Trend forecast
TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace
TR Track
TORA Take-off run available
TODAH Take-off distance available (for helicopters)
TODA Take-off distance available
TOD Top of Descent
TOC Top of Climb
TOBT Target off-block time
TMA Terminal control area
TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area
TCAC Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre
TAS True airspeed
TAR Terminal Airspace Radar
TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
TACAN UHF tactical air navigation aid
TAA Terminal Arrival Altitude
T Tesla
t Tonne
Sv Sievert
SUP Supplement (AIP Supplement)
STAR Standard instrument arrival
STA Straight-in Approach
SSR Secondary surveillance radar
SRE Surveillance radar element of precision
SPECI Aerodrome special meteorological report (in meteorological code)
SNOCLO Aerodrome closed due to snow (used in METAR/SPECI)
SLA Seaplane Landing Area
SIGMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations
SID Standard instrument departure
SHF Super high frequency [3 000 to 30 000 MHz]
SELCAL Selective Calling System
SEL Sound Exposure Level
SDF (i) Step down fix (ii) Simplified Directional Facility
SBAS Satellite-based augmentation system
SAR Search and Rescue
S Siemens
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RVR Runway visual range
RTODAH Rejected take-off distance available (for helicopters)
RSA Runway safety area
RPL Repetitive flight plan
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RNAV Area navigation
RIF Reclearance in flight
RESA Runway end safety area
RCP Required Communications Performance
RA Resolution Advisory
QNH Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground
QFE Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold)
PSR Primary surveillance radar
PRP Point-in-space reference point
PIREP Pilot Report
PIB Pre-flight information bulletin
PBN Performance Based Navigation
PAX Passenger(s)
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PAPI Precision approach path indicator
PANS Procedures for air navigation services
PA Precision Approach
OPMET Operational meteorological (information)
OLDI On-line data interchange
OFZ Obstacle free zone
OFIS Operational Flight Information Service
OCH Obstacle Clearance Height
OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude
OBST Obstacle
O Ohm
NTZ No transgression zone
NPA Non-precision approach
NOZ Normal operating zone
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
NOF International NOTAM Office
NM Nautical miles
NDB Non-directional radio beacon
NAV Navigation
NAT North Atlantic
N Newton
MWO Meteorological Watch Office
MSSR Monopulse secondary surveillance radar
MSL Mean sea level
MSA Minimum Sector Altitude
MPS Metres per second
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards
MOCA Minimum obstacle clearance altitude
MNPS Minimum navigation performance specifications
MNM Minimum
MMS Mission Management System
MLS Microwave landing system
MKR Marker Radio Beacon
MHZ Megahertz
METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)
MET REPORT Local routine meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language)
MET Meteorological or meteorology
MEA Minimum en-route altitude
MDH Minimum descent height
MDCRS Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System
MDA Minimum descent altitude
MAX Maximum
MAPT Missed approach point
MAHF Missed approach holding fix
m Metre
LVP Low Visibility Procedures
LVL Level
LTP Landing threshold point
LPV Localizer Precision approach with Vertical guidance
LORAN long range air navigation system
lm Lumen
LLWS Low Level Wind Shear
LDAH Landing distance available (for helicopters)
LDA Landing Distance Available
L Litre
KW Kilowatts
KT Knot
KMH Kilometres per hour
KM Kilometres
KHZ Kilohertz
KG Kilogram
K Kelvin
J Joule
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions
ILS Instrument landing system
IFR Instrument flight rules
IFPS Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
IF Intermediate Approach Fix
ID Identifier or identify
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAS Indicated airspeed
IAP Instrument Approach Procedure
IAF Initial Approach Fix
HZ Hertz (cycle per second)
HGT Height or height above
HAPI Helicopter approach path indicator
H Henry
H Orthometric Height
GUFI Globally Unique Flight Identifier
GRIB Processed meteorological data in the form of grid point values expressed in binary form (aeronautical meteorological code)
GPS Global positioning system
GNSS Global navigation satellite system
GLONASS Global orbiting navigation satellite system
GBAS Ground-Based Augmentation System
GARP GBAS azimuth reference point
GANIS Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium
GA General Aviation
FTP Fictitious threshold point
ft Feet (dimensional unit)
FPL Filed Flight Plan
FPAP Flight path alignment point
FMS Flight management system
FMP Flow Management Position
FIS Flight information service
FIR Flight information region
FIC Flight Information Centre
FF-ICE Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment
FDPS Flight data processing system
FATO Final approach and take-off area
FANS Future Air Navigation System
FAF Final approach fix
FAC Facilities
F Farad
ETOT Estimated Take-Off Time
ETO Estimated time over e.g. significant point
ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure
ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival
EPR Engine pressure ratio
EOBT Estimated off-block time
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
ELEV Elevation
ELDT Estimated Landing Time
EIBT Estimated In-Block Time
EET Estimated Elapsed Time
eAIP Electronic AIP
DVOR Doppler VOR
DSLT Airport Departure Slot
DME Distance measuring equipment
DLIC Data link initiation capability
DIC Diplomatic Clearance
DH Decision Height
DCT Direct (in relation to flight-plan clearances and type of approach)
DCP Datum Crossing Point
DA Decision Altitude
D-ATIS Data link automatic terminal information service
CTA Control Area
CPL Current flight plan (message type designator)
CPDLC Controller-pilot data link communications
COP Change-over point
COM Communications
CNS Communications, navigation and surveillance
CFMU Central Flow Management Unit
CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
CDO Continuous Descent Operations (defined by ICAO)
CDL Configuration Deviation List
cd Candela
CAVOK Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions (Ceiling and visibility OK).
CAT Category
CAS Calibrated Airspeed
C Coulomb
C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)
Bq Becquerel
AWY Airway
AW Aerial Work
ATZ Aerodrome Traffic Zone
ATS Air traffic services
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
ATM Air traffic management
ATIS Automatic terminal information service
ATFM Air traffic flow management
ATCO Air traffic controller
ATC Air traffic control (in general)
ASM Airspace Management
ASLT Airport Arrival Slot
ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available
ASBU Aviation Service Block Upgrade (ICAO)
ARP Aerodrome Reference Point
APV Approach procedure with vertical guidance
APP Approach Control
AOC Air Operator Certificate
ANSP Air Navigation Services Provider
AMSL Above mean sea level
AMS Aeronautical Mobile Services
AMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment)
ALT Altitude
AIXM Aeronautical Information Exchange Model
AIS Aeronautical information services
AIRMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations
AIREP Air-report
AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control
AIP Aeronautical information publication
AIC Aeronautical information circular
AGL Above ground level
AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service
AFIL Flight plan filed in the air
ADS-C Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Contract
ADS-B Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast
ADS Automatic dependent surveillance
ADES Aerodrome of Destination
ADEP Aerodrome of Departure
ACK Acknowledge
ACC Area control center or area control
ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system
ACARS Aircraft communication addressing and reporting system