

The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc. on the runway surface.

Properties Definition Type
apronAvailable An indication that there are cleared aprons available serving a runway. (string) CodeYesNoType
clearedLength Length of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total length of the runway. (decimal) ValDistanceType
clearedLengthBegin The distance from the threshold of the runway direction having the lowest designator number to the point where the cleared portion starts, in case of partial clearance. (decimal) ValDistanceType
clearedSide Indicates that the cleared width is offset left or right of a runway centre line. (string) CodeSideType
clearedWidth Width of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total width. (decimal) ValDistanceType
furtherClearanceLength Length of runway that is expected to be cleared of contamination, if less than the total length. (decimal) ValDistanceType
furtherClearanceWidth Width of runway that is expected to be cleared of contamination, if less than the total width. (decimal) ValDistanceType
obscuredLightsSide Indicates the side of the runway on which the lights are obscured by contamination. (string) CodeSideType
taxiwayAvailable An indication that there are cleared taxiways available serving that runway. (string) CodeYesNoType




The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc. on the runway surface.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc. on the runway surface.



An indication that there are cleared aprons available serving a runway.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.isApronAvailable An indication that there are cleared aprons available serving a runway.



Length of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total length of the runway.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.clearedLength Length of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total length of the runway.



The distance from the threshold of the runway direction having the lowest designator number to the point where the cleared portion starts, in case of partial clearance.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.clearedLengthBegin The distance from the threshold of the runway direction having the lowest designator number to the point where the cleared portion starts, in case of partial clearance.



Indicates that the cleared width is offset left or right of a runway centre line.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.clearedSide Indicates that the cleared width is offset left or right of a runway centre line.



Width of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total width.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.clearedWidth Width of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total width.



Length of runway that is expected to be cleared of contamination, if less than the total length.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.furtherClearanceLength Length of runway that is expected to be cleared of contamination, if less than the total length.



Width of runway that is expected to be cleared of contamination, if less than the total width.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.furtherClearanceWidth Width of runway that is expected to be cleared of contamination, if less than the total width.



Indicates the side of the runway on which the lights are obscured by contamination.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.obscuredLightsSide Indicates the side of the runway on which the lights are obscured by contamination.



An indication that there are cleared taxiways available serving that runway.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayContamination.isTaxiwayAvailable An indication that there are cleared taxiways available serving that runway.