

Specially prepared surface placed adjacent to the end of a runway to eliminate the erosive affect of the high wind forces produced by airplanes at the beginning of their takeoff rolls.

Properties Definition Type
annotation -
extent Extent of the blast pad. -
length The overall length of a barrier used to divert and/or dissipate jet and/or propeller blast. (decimal) ValDistanceType
status The operational status of an aerodrome movement area, as a category. Where this movement area relates directly to the Runway Blast Pad. (string) CodeStatusOperationsType
surfaceProperties Surface properties of the blast pad. -
usedRunwayDirection The RunwayDirection containing the blast pad. -




Specially prepared surface placed adjacent to the end of a runway to eliminate the erosive affect of the high wind forces produced by airplanes at the beginning of their takeoff rolls.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayBlastPad Specially prepared surface placed adjacent to the end of a runway to eliminate the erosive effect of the high wind forces produced by airplanes at the beginning of their take-off rolls.



Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Entity.annotation A general text note for the entity or for one of its properties.



Extent of the blast pad.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GeoEnabledEntity.surfaceExtent The geometry of the entity expressed as a surface or area described by a closed line.



The overall length of a barrier used to divert and/or dissipate jet and/or propeller blast.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayBlastPad.length The overall length of a barrier used to divert and/or dissipate jet and/or propeller blast.



The operational status of an aerodrome movement area, as a category. Where this movement area relates directly to the Runway Blast Pad.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayBlastPad.status The operational status of an aerodrome movement area related directly to the runway blast pad.



Surface properties of the blast pad.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayBlastPad.surfaceProperties Surface properties of the blast pad.



The RunwayDirection containing the blast pad.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RunwayBlastPad.usedRunwayDirection The runway direction containing the blast pad.