

A type of SegmentLeg designed in accordance with the rules for missed approach segments having the properties specific to a missed approach segment.. The missed approach segment begins at DA and ends at the clearance limit.

Properties Definition Type
condition A particular set of final approach conditions that must be met for the assessed missed approach -
heightMAPT Elevation of the missed approach surface at the missed approach point. (string) ValDistanceVerticalType
requiredNavigationPerformance [ICAO] Required navigation performance (RNP). [ICAO] Specifies the minimum navigation performance accuracy required in an airspace. It is the navigation performance accuracy of all the user and navigation system combinations within an airspace. </para><para> Note: It is a tolerance factor for flying. The factor is taken into consideration when determining protected airspace for aircraft. (string) CodeRNPType
thresholdAfterMAPT Indicates if MAP is before or after the Threshold (string) CodeYesNoType
type Indicates if the missed approach leg is part of the primary instruction. (string) CodeMissedApproachType




A type of SegmentLeg designed in accordance with the rules for missed approach segments having the properties specific to a missed approach segment.. The missed approach segment begins at DA and ends at the clearance limit.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MissedApproachLeg A segment leg designed in accordance with the rules for missed approach segments.



A particular set of final approach conditions that must be met for the assessed missed approach

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MissedApproachLeg.condition A particular final approach condition that must be met for the assessed missed approach.



Elevation of the missed approach surface at the missed approach point.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MissedApproachLeg.heightAfterMissedApproachPoint Elevation of the missed approach surface at the missed approach point.



[ICAO] Required navigation performance (RNP). [ICAO] Specifies the minimum navigation performance accuracy required in an airspace. It is the navigation performance accuracy of all the user and navigation system combinations within an airspace. </para><para> Note: It is a tolerance factor for flying. The factor is taken into consideration when determining protected airspace for aircraft.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MissedApproachLeg.requiredNavigationPerformance The minimum navigation performance accuracy required in an airspace. It is the navigation performance accuracy of all the user and navigation system combinations within an airspace.



Indicates if MAP is before or after the Threshold

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MissedApproachLeg.isThresholdAfterMissedApproachPoint Indication whether the missed approach point is after the threshold.



Indicates if the missed approach leg is part of the primary instruction.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MissedApproachLeg.type The types of missed approach.