AIRM Rulebook

European Supplement

Edition 1.0.0  MARCH 30th, 2019

The AIRM contains a European supplement to which additional European rules contained in this document apply. The European rules come on top of the AIRM rules contained in the AIRM rulebook. Applying the European rules implies applying the global rules first.

4. Content of the AIRM Components

AIRM Constraints Model

AIRM_Principle 34

The AIRM Constraints Model provides the AIRM Constraints which have an impact on the AIRM Conceptual Model and/or the AIRM Logical Model.

AIRM_Rule 142
Each AIRM Constraint shall be formatted according to the "SBVR Profile for ATM".

Note: The “SBVR Profile for ATM” can be found in Appendix A and Appendix B of the “AIRM Constraints Handbook”

5. AIRM Meta-Model

AIRM_Rule 81

The model elements in the AIRM Conceptual Model and AIRM Logical Model shall use one of the following stereotypes:

  • < < Subject > > . Represents a field of specific knowledge. These appear as packages in the AIRM.
  • < < Information_Message > > . ATM specific message type. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Information_Entity > > . A definition (type) of an operational ATM item of interest that is subject to constraints. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Data_Entity > > . A definition (type) of a data (ATM) item of interest that is implementation independent and is subject to constraints. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Data_Object > > . A standardized or formalized collection of a Logical ModelEntity's or association’s Properties.
  • < < CodeList > > . CodeList is used to describe a flexible and open enumeration UML::Enumeration. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < DataType > > . DataType is the abstract class that represents the general notion of being a data type (i.e., a type whose instances are identified only by their value). This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Measure > > . A Measure is the result from performing the act or process of ascertaining the value of a characteristic of some entity. [ISO 19103]
  • < < UnitOfMeasure > > . A unit of measure is a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind. [ISO 19103] In the AIRM, this is modelled as a CodeList with a restricted meaning.
  • < < AIRMConstraint > > . An element of guidance that introduces an obligation or a necessity, i.e., a rule that applies to AIRM model element(s). Rules shall be satisfied by all instances of the AIRM Entities they apply to.

Note: The AIRM meta-model contains more model elements and stereotypes which are used, e.g., in the context of AIRM compliance.

Note: The rulebook consistently refers to AIRM meta-model elements. Reference to the UML specification are explicitly identified by the “UML::” package prefix.

6. AIRM Model Elements

AIRM_Rule 126

The following colours shall be used in the class diagram representation of UML classes in the AIRM Conceptual Model and Logical Model. UML Classes:

  • In the "Traffic" layer of the model (i.e. the Flight subject) shall be white.
  • In the "Operational" layer (i.e. the AirTrafficOperations, Surveillance, Meteorology and Environment subject) shall be blue.
  • In the "Infrastructure" layer (i.e. the AirspaceInfrastructure, BaseInfrastructure and Aircraft subject) shall be orange.
  • In the "Stakeholders" and common packages shall be yellow.
  • Marked as deprecated shall be grey.
AIRM_Rule 80

Entities shall not inherit from model elements with the stereotype <<Data Type>>, <<CodeList>>, <<Measure>>, <<UnitOfMeasure>>, <<Subject>>, <<Information_Message>>, <<AIRMConstraint>> or <<Data_Object>>.

10. General Principles, Rules and Recommendations

AIRM Conformance

AIRM_Rule 50

Conformance against the AIRM shall be assessed using the requirements of the Specification for SWIM Information Definition [7].

Note: The conformance related requirements are:

  • Preservation of meaning (SWIM-INFO-009)
  • Semantics of metadata (SWIM-INFO-011)
  • Establish semantic correspondence (SWIM-INFO-013)
  • Forms of semantic correspondence (SWIM-INFO-014)
  • Out-of-scope and no semantic correspondence established declarations (SWIM-INFO-015)
  • Mapping of information concepts to the matching AIRM concept (SWIM-INFO-016)
  • Mapping of data concepts to the matching AIRM concepts (SWIM-INFO-017)
  • Additional traces to clarify the mapping of narrower concepts (SWIM-INFO-018)
  • Use of the AIRM’s unique identifiers in traces (SWIM-INFO-019)

AIRM Uniform Resource Name (URN)

AIRM_Rule 79

The ISSUER component of the MODEL_NSS shall be: ISSUER = ses:eurocontrol.