AIRM Rulebook

Edition 1.0.0  MARCH 30th, 2019

The AIRM Rulebook provides principles, rules and recommendation in order to facilitate the development and maintenance of the AIRM. The principles, rules and recommendations are intended to be used for modelling, consolidation, validation and verification, and quality check purposes.

1. Introduction

Purpose of the Document

The AIRM Rulebook provides principles, rules and recommendations for developing and maintaining the AIRM. This document is a normative rule book that focuses on providing definitions of vocabularies, principles, rules and recommendations.

The AIRM Rulebook is the basis for modelling the AIRM, assessing the quality of the AIRM (the AIRM UML models themselves). It is also used for internal AIRM harmonisation, consolidation, review and change management activities.

Intended readership

The AIRM Rulebook shall be used by contributors and submitters of model elements and change requests in order to increase the quality of their material.

It shall be used by participants in harmonisation and consolidation activities in their review, assessment and consolidation processes for checking quality, structure, semantics and other aspects. If a requested change or submission does not conform to a principle or rule then the breach may be reported back with the unique identity of the violated principle or rule.


Term Definition

AIRM models
Shorthand to include the AIRM Conceptual Model, AIRM Logical Model and AIRM Contextual Model.
Conceptual Model
A conceptual model is a model of the information about the concepts in the universe of discourse, relevant to the architecture effort.
Logical Model
The logical model is a specification of business/operational information requirements as a formal data structure, where relationships and classes (entities) are used to specify the logic which underpins the information.
A set of traces that establishes a semantic correspondence between a concept in an information definition and AIRM concepts.
Information Definition under Assessment
A formal representation of information concepts or data concepts which is subject to AIRM Compliance demonstration.
Physical Data Model
The physical data model specifies how the logical data model will be instantiated in a particular product or service. It takes into account implementation restrictions and performance issues whilst still enforcing the constraints, relationships and typing of the logical model.
A directed link from a concept in an information definition to an AIRM concept.


Term Definition
Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast
Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Contract
ATM Information Reference Model
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Air Traffic Management
Berkeley Software Distribution
Concept of Operations
European ATM Architecture
Extended Backus–Naur Form
Estimated Taxi-Out Time
Future Air Navigation System
Global Unique Identifier
International Civil Aviation Organization
International Electrotechnical Commission
Internet Engineering Task Force
International Standards Organization
Information Services Reference Model
(UK) Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework
NATO Architecture Framework
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NAF Operations View
Namespace Specific String
NAF System View
Object Management Group
Portable Document Format
Single European Sky
Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research
SESAR Joint Undertaking
Standardization Agreement (NATO)
Sub Work Package
World Meteorological Organization
XM Exchange Model


This section describes external documents and other artefacts that, through reference in this text, provide provisions that are considered as normative of this document. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For each publication a description how it has been adopted/used in this set of documents is also provided.

Note: If a reference is expressed with a date then only that version, of the reference, is valid since it is not possible to guarantee that newer versions, of referenced document, does not adversely impact this document.


The following publications, documents and artefacts are considered as normative:

  • NATO Architecture Framework (NAF), v3, see [1]
  • OMG Unified Modelling Language (UML), v2.1, see [2]
  • OMG Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR), v1.0 see [3]


The following publications, documents and artefacts are considered as informative:

  • UPDM v1.0, see [5]

Reading instructions

All parts of the document should be read.

2. Using the AIRM Rulebook


The following terms are used in this document:

  • Rules. These are mandatory and shall be applied.
  • Recommendations. These are not mandatory. However, compliance is strongly advised.
  • Principles. These give general statements about the AIRM.

The following editorial practice has been followed in the writing of the AIRM Rulebook:

  • For Rules the operative verb “shall” is used.
  • For Recommendations the operative verb “should” is used.
  • For Principles a more general wording is used.

The term “AIRM models” is often used as shorthand to include the:

  • AIRM Conceptual Model;
  • AIRM Logical Model; and
  • AIRM Contextual Model.


The rules, recommendations and principles are presented in logical groupings. This means that as new items are added they are inserted in the relevant group. Therefore, the numbering of the items is not consecutive. Indeed, as items are removed, there may appear to be gaps in the numbering.

Typographical conventions

The following layout is adopted to ease the use of the document.

Rule template

AIRM_Rule number

<Rule statement>

Recommendation template

AIRM_Recommendation number

<Recommendation statement>

Principle template

AIRM_Principle number

<Principle statement>

Last Version

When the phrase “latest version” is used it always means at the time of publication of the AIRM Rulebook for this version of the AIRM.

3. AIRM Modelling Environment

AIRM_Rule 1

The AIRM models shall be represented using the UML v2.1.

Note: This means the AIRM models are based on the meta-model that is defined by the OMG Superstructure document [4].

AIRM_Rule 12

The AIRM models shall be exclusively expressed using UML::Class Diagram and UML::Package Diagram principles, notations and conventions.

AIRM_Recommendation 7

The AIRM models should be developed and maintained using Sparx Enterprise Architect.

4. Content of the AIRM Components

AIRM Contextual Model

AIRM_Rule 104

The AIRM Contextual Model shall contain a representation of the external standards and specifications that are necessary for AIRM modelling work.

AIRM_Rule 64

When the UML construct available in the AIRM Contextual Model has no definition, the definition from the corresponding standard or specification shall apply.

Note: This rule is necessary as not all of the UML models imported into the AIRM Contextual Model contain the definitions from the corresponding standard or specification.

AIRM_Rule 128

The AIRM Standards Catalog shall list the standards which are acceptable sources for modelling the AIRM.

AIRM Conceptual Model

AIRM_Rule 103

The AIRM Conceptual Model shall contain definitions of model elements that are part of an ATM operational language, satisfying operational requirements and concerns. The model elements are defined without the consideration of solution, system and implementation aspects.

It is recognised that one of the purposes of the AIRM Conceptual Model is to ensure that the operational language is fully understood and can be communicated to operational experts and modellers.

AIRM Logical Model

AIRM_Rule 106
The AIRM Logical Model shall contain definitions of model elements that are exchanged by systems and services. The model elements are defined without the consideration of solution, system and implementation aspects.

AIRM_Rule 129
The definitions from the AIRM Conceptual Model shall be used as the baseline for the AIRM Logical Model definitions. If there is a conflict, the definitions in the AIRM Conceptual Model have precedence.

AIRM_Rule 107
The AIRM Logical Model’s Abstract package shall contain model elements that are general in nature and provide a higher level of abstraction needed to align and maintain consistency of concrete model elements.

AIRM_Rule 53
The AIRM Logical Model shall not contain message types.

Note: MessageTypes are used to bring implementation specific structure to the AIRM model elements. As such, they are outside of the scope of the AIRM Logical Model.

AIRM_Principle 4

The AIRM Common Subject contains definitions of information constructs that are assessed as reusable in relation to other operational entities.

AIRM_Recommendation 4

Entities that are defined in two or more subject should be relocated to the Common Subject.

AIRM_Recommendation 5

Entities that are considered as domain neutral (usable in the context of other industries such as automotive) should be relocated to the Common Subject.

Example: Address is a general information entity with wide cross-industry applicability.

5. AIRM Meta-Model

AIRM_Rule 109

The AIRM UML Models shall conform to the AIRM meta-model contained in Appendix A.

AIRM_Rule 41

The AIRM models shall make use of the following UML model elements: class diagram, package diagram, package, class, attribute, role, dependency, association (including specialisation, aggregation and composition), association class and note. Other UML model elements, such as templates, shall not be used.

AIRM_Rule 81

The model elements in the AIRM Conceptual Model and AIRM Logical Model shall use one of the following stereotypes:

  • < < Subject > > . Represents a field of specific knowledge. These appear as packages in the AIRM.
  • < < Information_Message > > . ATM specific message type. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Information_Entity > > . A definition (type) of an operational ATM item of interest that is subject to constraints. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Data_Entity > > . A definition (type) of a data (ATM) item of interest that is implementation independent and is subject to constraints. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Data_Object > > . A standardized or formalized collection of a Logical ModelEntity's or association’s Properties.
  • < < CodeList > > . CodeList is used to describe a flexible and open enumeration UML::Enumeration. This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < DataType > > . DataType is the abstract class that represents the general notion of being a data type (i.e., a type whose instances are identified only by their value). This appears as a UML class in the AIRM.
  • < < Measure > > . A Measure is the result from performing the act or process of ascertaining the value of a characteristic of some entity. [ISO 19103]
  • < < UnitOfMeasure > > . A unit of measure is a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind. [ISO 19103] In the AIRM, this is modelled as a CodeList with a restricted meaning.

Note: The AIRM meta-model contains more model elements and stereotypes which are used, e.g., in the context of AIRM compliance.

Note: The rulebook consistently refers to AIRM meta-model elements. Reference to the UML specification are explicitly identified by the “UML::” package prefix.

6. AIRM Model Elements

General Rules

AIRM_Rule 2

The AIRM models shall not contain model elements with a purpose to support a specific implementation, algorithm, technology or solution.

Note: Adding such constructs to a model in general imposes constraints that may make a model unnecessarily dependent on implementation decisions. The AIRM models should be focused on describing information needs independent of implementation and technological decisions.

AIRM Subjects

AIRM_Rule 10

Subjects shall provide a documented rationale explaining the boundaries of the subject.

Note: The rationale is intended to be used to assess, during consolidation, if an entity is a natural part of a subject.

AIRM_Rule 110

The content of an AIRM Subject shall be documented / illustrated by at least one UML class diagram that portrays those entities and their associations which are most essential to an understanding of the scope of the Subject.

AIRM_Rule 130

All entities and objects shall appear on at least one UML class diagram.

Naming Rules

AIRM_Rule 13

Names of model elements shall only use characters that are in ASCII ranges 48-57 (numbers), 65-90 (capital letters) and 97-122 (small letters).

In addition, the following are characters are allowed in codelist values to separate words: 95 (underscore).

AIRM_Rule 111

The ASCII 45 (hyphen), 46 (point), 47 (forward slash) characters shall be allowed if the name of a model element appears below:

  • 8.33kHz
  • ADS-B
  • ADS-C
  • FANS 1/A

Note: The list of exceptions is managed by the AIRM Change Control Board Support Office and takes into account the following:

  • The name contains a specific character
  • The name refers to a concept widely shared amongst aeronautical community
  • Keeping the name the way it is known enables an easier understanding of the model
AIRM_Rule 14

Name parts and words shall not begin with numbers (0-9) unless an adopted standard mandates such spelling.

AIRM_Rule 15

Verbs (if any) shall be in the present tense.

AIRM_Rule 16

Abbreviations and acronyms shall not be used in names of model elements except where they appear in the Abbreviations section of the AIRM Contextual Model.

AIRM_Rule 7

Names of model elements shall be in the English language following the terms as identified by ICAO or other standard present in the AIRM Standards Catalog. If no term can be identified, the latest version of the Oxford English Dictionary shall be used.

AIRM_Rule 18

Where conflicting spellings exist for the names of model elements, the spelling listed as the primary British spelling in the Oxford English Dictionary shall be used.

AIRM_Rule 8

All model element names shall be unique within enclosing namespace(s).

Example: All entities shall be uniquely named within an AIRM model.

Example: All properties shall be uniquely named within the enclosing entity.

Example: All values must be unique within the enclosing codelist.

AIRM_Rule 19

The name of a subject or other UML::Package shall be expressed using the UpperCamelCase principle.

AIRM_Rule 5

The name of an entity, object, codelist or datatype shall be expressed using the UpperCamelCase principle.

Note: This rule does not apply to imported standards in AIRM Contextual Model. These might deviate from this rule.

AIRM_Rule 6

The name of a property shall be expressed using the lowerCamelCase principle.

AIRM_Rule 68

The name of a role shall be a noun describing the role of the associated entity.

AIRM_Rule 43

The name of a data type shall end with “Type”.

Example: ValDistanceType

AIRM_Rule 42

The name of a codelist shall begin with “Code” and end with “Type”

Example: CodeAirspaceType

AIRM_Rule 30

The name of a value contained in a codelist shall be UPPER_CASE. Spaces shall not appear in the value and words shall be separated by the underscore character ‘_”.


Exception: This rule does not apply if the name of the value is a recognised term such as an abbreviation. In this case the name of the value should be represented as the recognised combination of UPPER and lower case characters.

AIRM_Rule 24

If given, the name of an association shall be expressed using lower case.

Example: contains

Example: expressed as.

AIRM_Rule 112

If given, the name of an association shall be represented as either a verb or a verb phrase.

Example: omit “is” when followed by verb-phrase; e.g., instead of “is enabled by” have only “enabled by”, i.e., skip the verb.

AIRM_Recommendation 20

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, the name of an association should, where possible, be based on verbs found in the definitions of the associated entities which relate the entities.

AIRM_Rule 131

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, associations which are merely possible/probable or imprecise shall be given a multiplicity rather than reflecting this status as part of the association name.

Example: An association which can be expressed using such words as “can have”, “may have” or “may be” shall have a multiplicity and the association shall not have the word in its name.


AIRM_Rule 66

The author of a model element shall be given in the "Author" property. The author shall be the person or project which created the model element.


AIRM_Rule 21

Entities shall be stereotyped as << Data_Entity >> in the AIRM Logical Model and as << Information_Entity >> in the AIRM Conceptual Model.

AIRM_Rule 83

A model element with the stereotype << Data_Entity >> shall be a specialisation of the abstract Entity.

Note: Entity is obviously exempt from this rule.

Note: The specialisation can be via a more generalised entity e.g. TemporalEnabledEntity.

AIRM_Rule 80

Entities shall not inherit from model elements with the stereotype <<Data Type>>, <<CodeList>>, <<Measure>>, <<UnitOfMeasure>>, <<Subject>>, <<Information_Message>> or <<Data_Object>>.

AIRM_Rule 20

Model elements shall not be represented as ‘root’ or ‘leaf’.

Note: It is impossible, in the context of ATM, to know that the AIRM is complete.

Logical Model Objects

AIRM_Rule 113

A model element with the stereotype <<Data_Object>> shall be a specialisation of the abstract Object.

Note: Object is obviously exempt from this rule.

Note: The specialisation can be via a more generalised object.


AIRM_Rule 44

All properties of an entity, object or datatype shall be given "public" access privileges/scope.

AIRM_Rule 46

In the AIRM Logical Model, attributes shall only be typed by datatypes.

Note: This means that they should not be typed by other entities or objects from the AIRM Logical Model.

Note: This rule does not apply in the AIRM Conceptual Model, so attributes can be typed by other entities. This can help the readability of the model.

AIRM_Rule 105

In the AIRM Logical Model, attributes shall be typed by:

  • Data types found within the ISO series of standards present in the AIRM Contextual Model; or
  • Data types found within the AIRM Logical Model’s DataTypes package; or
  • Codelists found within a Subject.


  • ISO19103 contains primitives for Real, CharacterString, DateTime
  • ISO19107 contains geometry constructs
  • ISO19108 contains temporal constructs
  • ISO 639-2 contains language codes

Note: AIRM specific data types which specialise or otherwise reuse the ISO series can be found in the AIRM Logical Model’s DataTypes package.

Note: AIRM specific codelists can be found in dedicated packages within the relevant Subject.

AIRM_Rule 22

In the AIRM Logical Model, attributes shall, by default, be represented with multiplicity of [0..1] (zero to one). If an operational constraint has been identified then multiplicities shall be chosen to reflect such constraints.

Note: If no explicit attribute multiplicity is given, [0..1] multiplicity is implied.

Note: Further constraints on multiplicity may be added in "AIRM Derived" models.

AIRM_Rule 26

In the AIRM Logical Model, role names shall, by default, be represented with multiplicity [0..*] (zero to many). If an operational constraint has been identified then multiplicities shall be chosen to reflect such constraints.

Note: If no explicit role name multiplicity is given, [0..*] multiplicity is implied.

Note: Further constraints may be added in "AIRM Derived" models such as in Physical Data Models.


AIRM_Rule 47

Datatypes shall not be used as an end-point in an UML::Association.

AIRM_Rule 45

Associations between entities shall be modelled using an UML::Association where navigability is unspecified.

AIRM_Rule 82

A model element with the stereotype <<Data_Object>> shall be made part of a <<Data_Entity>> or another <<Data_Object>> by means of a UML::Aggregation association.

AIRM_Rule 132

In the AIRM Conceptual Model every association (except specialisation/generalisation) shall have at least:

  • One association name with a labelled direction, or
  • One role name. The role names shall be added to the end of the association which has semantic significance (i.e. as the property of an entity). In the case of UML::Aggregation and UML::Composition the role name shall be added only at the “part” end of the association.
AIRM_Rule 23

In the AIRM Logical Model every association (except specialisation/generalisation) shall have at least one role name. The role names shall be added to the end of the association which has semantic significance (i.e. as the property of an entity). In the case of UML::Aggregation and UML::Composition the role name shall be added only at the “part” end of the association.

AIRM_Rule 114

Associations shall not be named in the AIRM Logical Model.

Note: Role names should be used in preference to relationship names. However, it is accepted that naming relationships can improve the readability of the AIRM Conceptual Model which is why this rule is limited in scope.

AIRM_Rule 124

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, any association name information supplied shall be considered informative, i.e. it will not have to be respected by derived models or by the AIRM Logical Model.

AIRM_Recommendation 22

UML::Specialisation should not be given an association name or a role name.

Rationale: UML::Specialisation has a pre-defined (semantic) meaning in UML as a special type of UML::Association.

AIRM_Recommendation 24

UML::Aggregation and UML::Composition should not be given an association name.

Rationale: UML::Aggregation has a pre-defined (semantic) meaning in UML as a special type of UML::Association.

AIRM_Recommendation 14

The use of association classes should be limited. However, they may be used to model attributes specific to one specific relationship, in situations where the association management business process is unspecified or out of scope of the model.

Aggregation and composition

AIRM_Recommendation 11

The use of UML::Aggregation and UML::Composition between entities should be avoided where possible. They should be used only where there is a real-world constraint or they are otherwise allowed by a rule.

Generalisation- specialisation

AIRM_Principle 6

An entity can be a specialisation of more than one general entity.

Rationale: Generalisation and specialisations commonly occur in models where concerns such as data structures, algorithms, technology, implementations etc. are not considered.

Note: The UML terms of generalisation and specialisation is preferred over ‘inheritance’ in order to be aligned with UML and NAF terminology. The term inheritance is often associated with technical /programming thinking and aspects.

AIRM_Rule 28

If a single-generalisation modelling construct can be found, with the same modelling effect as a multiple-generalisation modelling construct, then that construct shall be selected.

Rationale: Extensive use of multiple generalisation and specializations may create complex models that may be more difficult to extend over time.

AIRM_Recommendation 12

Deep generalisation and specialisation hierarchies should be avoided.

Data Types


AIRM_Rule 32

The issuing Authority of a codelist shall be identified and represented by an AIRM::TaggedValue ‘Authority’, attached to the codelist.

Note: More than one Authority may be attached to a codelist in case of joint governance.

Example: ICAO

7. Definition Conventions

AIRM_Principle 30

A good definition:

  • Is a dictionary-style statement that describes the concept designated by a term.
  • Helps to establish the textual match between languages by stating the essential and delimiting characteristics of a concept (semantic feature).

Note: The quality of the definition is crucial, because without knowing what is meant exactly, we cannot communicate effectively, and without fully understanding the concept, we cannot establish relationships between concepts in our subject field.

AIRM_Rule 3

All model elements within the AIRM shall have a definition.

AIRM_Rule 34

If Sparx Enterprise Architect is used to maintain the AIRM (see Recommendation 7), a definition of an AIRM model element shall be stored in the Notes feature.

AIRM_Rule 35

The definition shall use the following principles for good definitions:

  • Predictability - the definition inserts the concept into a concept system.
  • Simplicity - the definition is concise, clear, and whenever possible no longer than one sentence; it includes only essential information.
  • Affirmativeness - the definition states what the concept is, rather than what it is not.
  • Non-circularity - the definition does not use words whose definitions refer back to the concept in question, nor does it begin with the term itself.
  • Absence of tautology - the definition is not a paraphrase of the term, but rather a description of the semantic features of the concept.
  • Part of speech - the definition begins with a word of the same part of speech as the term being defined.

Example: aerodrome: a defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft/helicopters.

Note: Stating a synonym is not a definition!

AIRM_Rule 37

The source of a model element definition shall be represented in a AIRM::TaggedValue, ‘Definition:Source’ that indicates its origin.

AIRM_Rule 63

The 'Definition:Source' for a model element shall be listed in the AIRM Standards Catalog.

AIRM_Recommendation 26

Extra details concerning the source of a model element definition should be captured in the AIRM::TaggedValue 'Defintion:SourceDetail'.

Example: This can be used to pinpoint the exact ICAO document used or a section within a larger document.

AIRM_Rule 60

The 'Definition:Adapted' AIRM::TaggedValue shall be completed in order to indicate the level of semantic correspondence with the source definition. The list of values is:

  • ExactCopy: Definition of source and target are exact copy of each other.
  • SyntacticallyEqual: Syntax corrections (grammar, spelling)
  • Rewritten: The definition has been rewritten for improved quality. The meaning is the same, i.e. the definition still describes exactly the same entity as the target definition.
  • Specialised: Source definition is a special case of the target definition.
  • Generalised: Source definition is a generalised case of the target definition.
AIRM_Rule 38

A definition shall not contain references to a name of the submitter, origin or external model or source.

AIRM_Rule 39

A definition shall not contain references to how it is used.

Example: “This is primarily used by x, y, and z” is not an allowed definition.

AIRM_Rule 40

Definitions shall contain a “straight definition”. That is, they should not start with “This class defines…” or “This property represents…”.

AIRM_Rule 61

The status of a model element definition shall be represented in an AIRM::TaggedValue 'Definition:Status'. It shall be one of the following:

  • Proposed: The definition has been created or reworked.
  • Under Review: The definition is under review by experts.
  • Approved: The definition has been approved.
  • Under Rework: The definition has been reviewed and/or approved but is subject to change.
AIRM_Rule 62

Any synonyms for a model element's name shall be represented as a comma separated list in an AIRM::TaggedValue 'Definition:Synonyms'.

AIRM_Rule 17

Any abbreviation or acronym for a model element's name shall be represented in an AIRM::TaggedValue 'Definition:Abbreviation'.

8. Diagram Conventions

AIRM_Principle 31

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, UML is used to create two types of diagram:

  • Hierarchy diagrams which are used to express taxonomies using UML::Specialisations
  • Analysis diagrams which are used to give a narrative about the AIRM model elements contained on the diagram expressed as a (network) of, for example, UML::Associations, UML::Roles and Diagram::Notes.
AIRM_Rule 133

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, a diagram shall be either a “hierarchy” diagram or an “analysis” diagram.

AIRM_Rule 134

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, a diagram shall have a stereotype of <<Analysis>> or <<Hierarchy>> assigned.

AIRM_Rule 135

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, every <<Analysis>> diagram shall be documented by explaining the following:

  • Content: What is this diagram about? (mandatory)
  • (Maturity) Status - <free text> (mandatory)
AIRM_Recommendation 25

In the AIRM Conceptual Model, every <<Analysis>> diagram should be documented by explaining the following:

  • Assumptions (optional)
  • Additional comments (optional)
  • Link to Requirements (optional)
AIRM_Recommendation 23

In the AIRM Information Model all diagrams should be possible to read on an A4 format (either in landscape or portrait.)

9. Intellectual Property Rights

AIRM_Rule 9

All parts of the AIRM shall have following the BSD-type licence attached:

Copyright (c) 2019, Members of the AIRM CCB


All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer.

* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.




Editorial note: this license is an instance of the BSD license template as provided by the Open Source Initiative:

Details on the AIRM CCB and a list of its members is available on request from [email protected].

10. General Principles, Rules and Recommendations


AIRM_Principle 22

Evolution refers to how model elements evolve over time (e.g. version, status, lifecycle, etc).

AIRM_Rule 65

The status of a model element shall be given in the "Status" property. The value shall be one of the following:

  • Proposed: The model element has been created but is not mature enough for use by others or for publication.
  • Implemented: The model element has been finalised and has been verified. It is mature enough for use by other parties involved in building the AIRM but is not ready for publication.
  • Published: The model element is implemented and has been included in an official AIRM release.
  • Validated: The model element has been published and validated.
  • Under Rework: The model element has been published/validated but is being reworked. (Note: it is still part of the AIRM in its latest released version.)
  • Deprecated: The model element is no longer fit for use and will deleted in the version stated in the AIRM::TaggedValue "Deprecated:TargetRelease".
  • Obsolete: The model element has been marked deprecated in the current release version and will be deleted in the next release.
AIRM_Rule 115

The allowed combination of model element status (AIRM_Rule 65) and definition status (AIRM_Rule 61) are:

  • If the status of a model element is "Proposed", its Definition:Status shall be "Proposed", "Under Review", "Approved", or "Under Rework".
  • If the status of a model element is "Implemented", its Definition:Status shall be "Under Review" or "Approved".
  • If the status of a model element is "Published", its Definition:Status shall be "Under Review " or "Approved".
  • If the status of a model element is "Validated", its Definition:Status shall be "Approved".
  • If the status of a model element is "Under Rework", its Definition:Status shall be "Proposed", 'Under Review", "Approved" or "Under Rework".


AIRM_Principle 8

Deprecation of a model element indicates that it is about to be deleted in a subsequent release.

AIRM_Recommendation 15

A model element that is marked as deprecated should not further be used and a warning or error should be emitted if it is actually used.

AIRM_Rule 50

A model element that is marked as deprecated shall contain the following AIRM::TaggedValues:

  • Deprecated:DecisionDate: (mandatory) date of deprecation decision
  • Deprecated:Rationale: (mandatory) short rational for the deprecation
  • Deprecated:TargetRelease: (optional) planned release when the deprecated element will be deleted
  • Deprecated:Replacement: (optional) reference to other elements that should or shall be used instead
AIRM_Rule 51

A model element shall be deleted from the model only after it has been marked as “Deprecated” in a previous release.

AIRM_Rule 52

A model element that is to be deprecated shall be listed in the AIRM Release Notes.

AIRM Internal Semantic Trace from Logical Model to Conceptual Model

AIRM_Rule 137

In the AIRM Logical Model, every entity shall have at least one semantic trace to at least one model element in the AIRM Conceptual Model.


AIRM_Principle 36

An AIRM supplement is a package within the AIRM that elaborates the AIRM content for a specific community

AIRM_Rule 144

The supplements shall fit within the scope of the AIRM, meaning that it should be relevant to ATM.

AIRM_Rule 145

The supplement shall follow the same rules as other AIRM content.

Note: this means following naming conventions, stereotypes, completion of metadata about a model element, etc.

AIRM_Rule 146

The supplement shall follow the structure of the main AIRM.

Note: this means it may have a contextual, a conceptual and a logical model. Indeed, it must have at least one of these.

AIRM_Rule 147

The supplement shall not introduce new model types such as physical models.

AIRM_Rule 148

The supplement should not have dependencies on the content of other supplements.

Note: this is to ensure that the change management of one supplement does not affect another supplement. However, reuse of definitions across supplements is to be encouraged.

AIRM_Rule 149

The supplement shall not remove or otherwise restrict the content of the main AIRM.

Note: supplements are about elaborating the content of the main AIRM. The ability to restrict the AIRM is handled by the AIRM derivation rules and should be handled as a separate step in the development cycle.

AIRM_Rule 150

Supplements shall contain, where necessary:

  • additional subjects;
  • additional entities;
  • additional objects;
  • additional data types;
  • additional relationships;
  • additional properties;
  • additional local definitions.

AIRM_Rule 151

The model elements in the supplement shall have URNs.

AIRM_Principle 37

The relationship between two model elements is owned by the source. This applies to associations between model elements and to the properties of a model element that are typed by another model element. For example, if Class1 “has” Class2, the “has” association is owned by Class1; if Class 1 contains a property “name” that is typed as a CharacterString, the “name” property is owned by Class 1.

AIRM_Principle 38

The main AIRM content cannot “own” an association or property where the target exists in a supplement.

AIRM_Rule 152

When supplementing a model element from the main AIRM, the supplement shall use the same name as the model element that it is supplementing.

AIRM_Rule 153

When supplementing a model element from the main AIRM, the supplement shall use the same definition as the model element that it is supplementing.

AIRM_Rule 154

When adding properties to a model element from the main AIRM, the supplement shall use a specialization of the model element that it is supplementing.

AIRM_Rule 155

When adding relationships to a model element from the main AIRM, the supplement shall use a specialization of the model element that it is supplementing.

AIRM_Rule 156

The specialization association shall be stereotyped <<supplement>>.

Note: This makes the exact nature of the specialization clear.

AIRM_Rule 157

Additional local definitions shall be added to the note field, below the existing definition, separated by a <<supplement>> stereotype


AIRM_Principle 23

Derivation refers to the way in which model elements can be restricted and subsetted by users of the AIRM. Adaptation is also related to compliance.

AIRM_Principle 10

An AIRM Derived Model is a model that uses the AIRM to define its semantics but serves a specific restricted purpose.


  • A NSV-11b product shall be a derived model.
  • Existing models shall prove they are "derivable from" the AIRM as a key element in claiming compliance with the AIRM.
AIRM_Principle 11

AIRM Derivation Rules are the set of rules to apply in order to establish traceability of the semantics of a given model to the AIRM.

AIRM_Principle 12

Derivation of the AIRM works by restriction. Therefore:

  • Any additional model elements of an AIRM Derived Model, assumed to be within the scope of the AIRM, should be traced to a Change Request identifier in the semantic correspondence statement of the Information Definition.
  • Any additional model elements, assumed to be outside the scope of the AIRM, should be traced to the “Out-Of-Scope” construct in the semantic correspondence statement of the Information Definition.
AIRM_Rule 54

A derived model shall declare any deviation from the AIRM Rulebook.

Note: For example, the AIRM naming conventions may not be applicable to an already existing model. In that case, deviations from the AIRM Rulebook shall be documented and explained.

AIRM_Rule 55

The upper bound of the multiplicity specified in a derived model shall be lower or equal to the upper bound of the multiplicity and greater or equal to the lower bound of the multiplicity specified in the AIRM.

AIRM_Rule 56

The lower bound of the multiplicity specified in a derived model shall be greater or equal to the lower bound of the multiplicity and lower or equal to the upper bound of the multiplicity specified in the AIRM.

AIRM_Principle 13

A derived model may declare leaf nodes final.

AIRM_Principle 14

A derived model may describe physical implementations of generalisation.

AIRM_Principle 16

A derived model may describe physical implementations of generalisation.

AIRM_Principle 15

A derived model may add navigability to its relationships.

Note: This does not mean that the associations cannot be navigated in the other direction but the directionality is a hint that implementations should make the navigation in the primary direction convenient and efficient.

AIRM_Principle 17

Constraints and business rules present in the AIRM can be further restricted in a derived model. They cannot be extended.

Example: A business rule restricts the length of a CharacterString to 4 characters. It can be restricted to length [2] but cannot be extended to length [7].

AIRM_Principle 18

Further constraints (including patterns, maximum values) may be added to a derived model.

Example: The length of datatypes may be restricted. For example, in the AIRM CharacterStrings are not given a maximum length. They can be restricted e.g. to length [10].

AIRM_Principle 20

A derived model may convert an attribute to a role name or vice versa. This means:

  • A property modelled as an UML attribute in the AIRM may be converted into a property modelled as a role, with a complex “constructed” type.
  • A property modelled as a role name in the AIRM may be converted into an attribute (e.g. if multiplicity is restricted to 1..1).
AIRM_Rule 59

A derived model shall not use an AIRM term with a conflicting definition.

Note: If a derived model does not use the original AIRM definition, a reference to the AIRM definition needs to be provided.

AIRM_Principle 19

In a derived model, AIRM codelists:

  • May remain as codelists; or
  • May be converted to enumerations (which can be seen as a restricted codelist); or
  • May be converted to a series of classes.

AIRM Uniform Resource Name (URN)

AIRM_Principle 35

To facilitate the referencing of the AIRM, each AIRM model element has a globally unique name. This unique name is defined according to the Uniform Resource Name (URN) standard [6].

AIRM_Rule 76

The URN of an AIRM model element shall use the structure: <URN> ::= "urn:" <NID> ":" <NSS>

Example: A full URN to a property of an entity: urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:ConceptualModel:Subjects:AirTrafficOperations:AirportOperationsManagement:TaxiOut@EXOT

Note: An AIRM namespace identifier (NID) and namespace specific string (NSS) are defined in Rules 70-72 and 74, respectively.

AIRM_Rule 70

AIRM model elements shall use the namespace identifier (NID): NID = aero

AIRM_Rule 71

The namespace specific string (NSS) shall use the structure: NSS = <MODEL_NSS>:<ELEMENT_NSS>

AIRM_Rule 72

The Model Namespace Specific Strings (MODEL_NSS) shall use the structure: MODEL_NSS = <ISSUER>?':'<PRODUCT>':'<VERSION>

The following terms are used in <MODEL_NSS>

  • <ISSUER> defines the agency responsible for the AIRM version in question (where applicable). This item shall be a URI itself.
  • <PRODUCT> identifies the AIRM (or an AIRM Derived Model by the same issuer).
  • <VERSION> is the version number of the product in question. The syntax and semantics are issuer specific (e.g. may or may not include issuer specific branch information).

Note: The components of the MODEL_NSS are considered as case insensitive, e.g. AIRM and “airm” refer to the same product.

AIRM_Rule 74

The Element Namespace Specific Strings (ELEMENT_NSS) shall use the structure: ELEMENT_NSS = (<NAME_OF_PACKAGE>':')+(<NAME_OF_CLASS>(@<NAME_OF_PROPERTY)?)?

The following terms are used in <ELEMENT_NSS>

  • <NAME_OF_PACKAGE> is the recursive definition of the model element’s position within the AIRM UML Package structure
  • <NAME_OF_CLASS> is the name of the UML Class in question (where applicable)
  • <NAME_OF_PROPERTY> is the name of the UML property within the class (where applicable)

Note: The components of the ELEMENT_NSS are considered case sensitive.

AIRM_Rule 79

The ISSUER component of the MODEL_NSS shall be left empty.

AIRM_Rule 77

The PRODUCT component of the MODEL_NSS shall be: PRODUCT = AIRM.

AIRM_Rule 73

The URN of AIRM Contextual Model elements that already have a URN issued by their originator shall be respected. This means that these elements shall uniformly be referenced by the original URN and the AIRM shall not issue an additional URN for these elements.

AIRM_Recommendation 16

Models derived from the AIRM should reference MODEL_NSS to disambiguate their semantic binding to the AIRM.

AIRM_Rule 75

Published AIRM model element semantics shall be backward compatible.

That is, a given ELEMENT_NSS referring to an AIRM model element in development status “published”, “validated”, “under rework” or “deprecated” shall always refer to the same logical concept. Its semantics shall not depend on the context of a MODEL_NSS.

11. Detailed Rules on Specific AIRM Components

AIRM Technical Standards Profile

AIRM_Rule 127

Each standard in “AIRM Standards Catalog: UML” shall follow the minimum standard description syntax as depicted below:

where the publishing organisation is either the organisation behind the standard or a concatenation of the organisation, a hyphen, and its publishing part

where the publishing organisation is either the organisation behind the standard or a concatenation of the organisation, a hyphen, and its publishing part


  • • OMG UML
  • NATO STANAG 3809
  • Note: The wording syntax is fully explained in Appendix B.

AIRM_Recommendation 19

Each standard in “AIRM Standards Catalog: UML” should follow the full standard description syntax as depicted below:

where the minimum standard description is explained as part of the AIRM_Rule 127

where document name follows the syntax below

where standard version follows the syntax below

where Volume follows the syntax below


  • ICAO Doc 8168, Vol. I, 5th Ed
  • ICAO Doc 8400, 8th Ed
  • NATO NAF v.3

Note: The wording syntax is fully explained in Appendix C.

12. References

Title Location
NATO Architecture Framework (NAF), v3
OMG Unified Modelling Language (UML), v2.1
OMG Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR), v1.0
OMG UML Superstructure

Appendix A. AIRM Meta-Model

Figure 1: AIRM Meta-Model Overview
Figure 2: AIRM Meta-Model Core
Figure 3: AIRM Constraints
Figure 4: Measures in the AIRM meta-model
Meta-Model Element Name
AIRMConstraint An element of guidance that introduces an obligation or a necessity, i.e., a rule that applies to AIRM model element(s). Rules shall be satisfied by all instances of the AIRM Entities they apply to. Exception: AIRM::Constraint does not cover multiplicity nor ordering constraints. Those are captured as a part of standard UML.
Attribute A defined property of an AIRM Entity.
Constraint:AppliesTo Rule that applies to the AIRM Entity or property
Constraint:FormatType Provides format for articulation of the constraint
defines A formalised representation of data which is managed by or exchanged between systems.
Definition:Abbreviation Abbreviations
Definition:InLexicon Whether the term definition is in the ATM Lexicon.
Definition:Source Source for a definition.
Definition:Status Status of the definition.
Definition:Synonyms Synonyms for the definition.
Deprecated:Decision date Date of deprecation decision.
Deprecated:Rationale Short rationale for the deprecation.
Deprecated:Replacement Reference to other elements to use instead.
Deprecated:TargetRelease Planned release to delete deprecated element.
Mapping:Remarks Remarks on a mapping from a source to a target.
SemanticTrace::Information_Entity Trace between Data_Enitity to Information_Entity/Information_Message.
SemanticTrace::Information_EntityRole Trace between Data_Entity and Conceptual Model role name.
MEGA:UniqueIdentifier Unique identifier for integration with Mega.
represents A formalized representation of information, subject to an operational process.
Data_Entity A definition (type) of an data (ATM) item of interest that is implementation independent and it is subject to constraints.
Data_Object A standardized or formalized collection of an (Logical Model) Entity's or Association’s Property/(ies).A Data_Object does not exist without the (Logical Model) Entity or Association it is associated with but can be part of the operational language or system-specific property. This appears as a UML class or association class in the AIRM.
ISO:CodeList CodeList is used to describe a flexible and open enumeration UML::Enumeration.
ISO:CodelistLiteral A value listed in the codelist
Entity A definition (type) of an ATM item of interest that is subject to AIRM representational rules.
Contextual_Entity Entity that internally represents part of a standard.
Information_Entity A definition (type) of an operational ATM item of interest that is subject to constraints.
Information_Message ATM specific message type.
NAF::Alias lang=EN-US mso-ansi-language:EN-USAn alternative name for an element.
NAF::Attribute A defined property of an Entity.
NAF::Definition A definition of an element in the architecture. Note - every element added by an architect must have a definition.
NAF::Entity A definition (type) of an item of interest.
NAF::Standard A ratified and peer-reviewed specification that is used to guide or constrain the architecture.
Property A property is a typed element that represents an attribute of a class hat is subject to AIRM representational rules.
Role (AIRM) Role represents an attribute of the source Entity's associationEnd.
Standard A document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. [ISO]
StereotypeAttribute From UML version 2.0 the previously independent tagged value is considered to be a stereotype attribute. The name tagged value is still kept. Each stereotype has zero or more tag definitions, and all stereotyped UML elements have the corresponding number of tagged values.
Subject Represents a field of specific knowledge. These appear as packages in the AIRM.
TaggedValue Tagged Value is a string-based extension that could be attached to UML model elements in a flexible way.
UML: DataType DataType is the abstract class that represents the general notion of being a data type (i.e., a type whose instances are identified only by their value).
ISO:Measure A Measure is the result from performing the act or process of ascertaining the value of a characteristic of some entity. [ISO 19103]
ISO:UnitOfMeasure A unit of measure is a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind. [ISO 19103]
UML::Element An element is a constituent of a model. As such, it has the capability of owning other elements.
UML::ModelElement An element is a constituent of the AIRM UML model.
UML::Property A property is a typed element that represents an attribute of a class.
UML::Slot A slot specifies that an entity modeled by an instance specification has a value or values for a specific structural feature.


Appendix B. Wording Syntax

This Appendix presents a notation for wording syntax, based on a visualisation of Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) and is adopted as subset of the  ISO/IEC 14977:1996(E) standard.

Graphical Element

Indicates a mandatory element.
Indicates order between two (mandatory) elements. Meaning that “name_1” has to be followed “name_2” in order to satisfy the “full_name” syntax.
Indicates an optional element.
Indicates a mandatory element, which may occur several times.
Indicates an optional element, but which may occur several times.

Indicates a choice between two elements. Either one or the other one must be used.

More than one element can appear on an optional, choice or mandatory branch.