

A cloud layer, including a cloud amount, cloud base and cloud type.

Properties Definition Type
amount The observed cloud amount CloudAmountReportedAtAerodrome
base For a given cloud or cloud layer, height of the lowest level in the atmosphere at which the air contains a perceptible quantity of cloud particles. Measured cloud bases shall be reported in meters (m") or feet ("[ft_i]")." DistanceWithNilReason
cloudType The observed significant cloud types: cumulonimbus or towering cumulus SigConvectiveCloudType




A cloud layer, including a cloud amount, cloud base and cloud type.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Cloud A hydrometeor consisting of minute particles of liquid water or ice, or of both, suspended in the free air and usually not touching the ground. It may also include larger particles of liquid water or ice and non-aqueous liquid or solid particles such as those present in fumes, smoke and dust.



The observed cloud amount

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Cloud.cloudAmount Fraction of the sky covered by the clouds of a certain genus, species, variety, layer or combination of clouds.



For a given cloud or cloud layer, height of the lowest level in the atmosphere at which the air contains a perceptible quantity of cloud particles. Measured cloud bases shall be reported in meters (m") or feet ("[ft_i]")."

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
WeatherPhenomenon.base Altitude of the lowest level of the description of a weather phenomenon.
Additional trace Cloud A hydrometeor consisting of minute particles of liquid water or ice, or of both, suspended in the free air and usually not touching the ground. It may also include larger particles of liquid water or ice and non-aqueous liquid or solid particles such as those present in fumes, smoke and dust.



The observed significant cloud types: cumulonimbus or towering cumulus

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Cloud.cloudType Categorization of the cloud depending on its main characteristics.