

A container for supplementary data about the flight. This container does not capture the complete set of elements described in ICAO Doc 4444 ITEM 19 "Supplementary Information"; it only contains those elements that could not be modeled more logically in other FIXM structures. [FIXM]

Properties Definition Type
extension An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes. fb:SupplementaryDataExtensionType
fuelEndurance The estimated maximum length of time the aircraft can spend in the cruise phase of flight, determined by the amount of fuel at takeoff. [FIXM] fb:DurationType
personsOnBoard The total number of persons (passengers and crew) on board the aircraft. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, Item 19] fb:CountType
pilotInCommand The pilot designated by the operator, or in the case of general aviation, the owner, as being in command and charged with the safe conduct of a flight. [ICAO Doc 4444] fb:PersonOrOrganizationType
supplementaryDataSource Describes the source of the supplementary data. Can be either a Person/Organization or ATC Unit. A Supplementary Information Source can be identified using a location identifier (from Doc. 7910 + Doc. 8585) for an ATS unit; an AFTN address; FF-ICE Participant identification per B-2.28; or appropriate contact information per B-2.12. fx:SupplementaryDataSourceChoiceType




A container for supplementary data about the flight. This container does not capture the complete set of elements described in ICAO Doc 4444 ITEM 19 "Supplementary Information"; it only contains those elements that could not be modeled more logically in other FIXM structures. [FIXM]



An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Out of scope This concept is considered as out of the scope of the AIRM.



The estimated maximum length of time the aircraft can spend in the cruise phase of flight, determined by the amount of fuel at takeoff. [FIXM]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Flight.fuelEndurance The estimated maximum length of time the aircraft can spend in the cruise phase of flight, determined by the amount of fuel at take-off.



The total number of persons (passengers and crew) on board the aircraft. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, Item 19]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
TakeOffConfiguration.personsOnBoard The total number of persons (passengers and crew) on board.



The pilot designated by the operator, or in the case of general aviation, the owner, as being in command and charged with the safe conduct of a flight. [ICAO Doc 4444]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Flight.pilot The pilot in command of the aircraft.



Describes the source of the supplementary data. Can be either a Person/Organization or ATC Unit. A Supplementary Information Source can be identified using a location identifier (from Doc. 7910 + Doc. 8585) for an ATS unit; an AFTN address; FF-ICE Participant identification per B-2.28; or appropriate contact information per B-2.12.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Change request A change request is required on the AIRM.

Not found in AIRM