

Bearing and distance from a reference point. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, ITEM 15] This FIXM class adds one optional property 'position' which may be used as a complement to the bearing, distance and reference point information in order to provide the computed position of the relative point, if available.

Properties Definition Type
bearing The radius from a chosen Navaid fb:BearingType
distance Distance from the chosen Navaid to the Intersection. fb:DistanceType
extension An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes. fb:RelativePointExtensionType
position The values of latitude and longitude that define the position of the Relative Point on the surface of the Earth with respect to a reference datum. [specialised from ICAO Doc 9881] This optional field may be used to provide the actual position of the relative point if already known / computed. fb:GeographicalPositionType
referencePoint The navaid used as reference for building an intersection fb:NavaidType




Bearing and distance from a reference point. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, ITEM 15] This FIXM class adds one optional property 'position' which may be used as a complement to the bearing, distance and reference point information in order to provide the computed position of the relative point, if available.



The radius from a chosen Navaid

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
PointReference.facilityAngle missing data
Additional trace Change request A change request is required on the AIRM.

AIRM missing definition for urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:Common:Geometry:PointReference@facilityAngle



Distance from the chosen Navaid to the Intersection.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
PointReference.facilityDistance Distance from the facility to the significant point.



An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Out of scope This concept is considered as out of the scope of the AIRM.



The values of latitude and longitude that define the position of the Relative Point on the surface of the Earth with respect to a reference datum. [specialised from ICAO Doc 9881] This optional field may be used to provide the actual position of the relative point if already known / computed.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GeoEnabledEntity.position The geometry of the entity expressed as the position of a point on the surface of the Earth.

RadioNavigationAid and SignificantPoint inherit from GeoEnabledEntity



The navaid used as reference for building an intersection

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
AngleIndication.fix A selected significant point that may have references (distance and/or angle indications).