

On-line or Network information that can be used to contact the individual or organisation, including eMail address. The contact information can include an email address and either an AFTN address or URL, but usually not both. The network attribute specifies whether the address specified by the linkage attribute is an AFTN or an internet address. [specialised from AIXM 5.1]

Properties Definition Type
email The address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organisation or individual. [FIXM] fb:TextAddressType
extension An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes. fb:OnlineContactExtensionType
linkage Location (address) for on-line access using a Uniform Resource Locator address or AFTN address. [adapted from AIXM] fb:TextAddressType
network The Telecom Networks that can be used to address an organisation. [adapted from AIXM] fb:NetworkChoiceType




On-line or Network information that can be used to contact the individual or organisation, including eMail address. The contact information can include an email address and either an AFTN address or URL, but usually not both. The network attribute specifies whether the address specified by the linkage attribute is an AFTN or an internet address. [specialised from AIXM 5.1]



The address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organisation or individual. [FIXM]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
OnlineContact.eMail The address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organisation or individual.



An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Out of scope This concept is considered as out of the scope of the AIRM.



Location (address) for on-line access using a Uniform Resource Locator address or AFTN address. [adapted from AIXM]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
OnlineContact.linkage A contact's location (address) for on-line access using a Uniform Resource Locator address or similar addressing scheme.



The Telecom Networks that can be used to address an organisation. [adapted from AIXM]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition The official name of the telecommunication network on which a contact's online resource is located.