

Contains basic information about the Flight Route that pertains to the whole flight.

Properties Definition Type
airfileRouteStartTime The actual or estimated time of departure from the first point on the route for a flight filed in the air. fb:TimeType
cruisingLevel The filed altitude (flight level) for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight. fb:FlightLevelOrAltitudeChoiceType
cruisingSpeed The true airspeed for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight. This can be for a filed flight or an active flight. This element is strategic in nature. fb:TrueAirspeedType
estimatedElapsedTime The estimated amount of time from takeoff to reach a significant point or Flight Information Region (FIR) boundary along the route of flight. Elements are ordered according to increasing duration from start. fx:EstimatedElapsedTimeType
extension An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes. fb:FlightRouteInformationExtensionType
flightRulesCategory The category of flight rules with which the pilot intends to comply. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, Item 8] fx:FlightRulesCategoryType
routeText A string of route elements complying with PANS-ATM Item 15c fb:CharacterStringType
totalEstimatedElapsedTime For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome. [ICAO Doc 4444] For a flight plan received from an aircraft in flight, the total estimated elapsed time is the estimated time from the first point of the route to which the flight plan applies to the termination point of the flight plan. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, ITEM 16] fb:DurationType




Contains basic information about the Flight Route that pertains to the whole flight.



The actual or estimated time of departure from the first point on the route for a flight filed in the air.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Change request A change request is required on the AIRM.

Not found in AIRM



The filed altitude (flight level) for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RouteTrajectorySegment.cruisingLevel The planned cruising level for the first or the whole portion of the route to be flown.



The true airspeed for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight. This can be for a filed flight or an active flight. This element is strategic in nature.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
FlightPhase.cruisingSpeed The true airspeed at which an aircraft flies during the cruise phase.



The estimated amount of time from takeoff to reach a significant point or Flight Information Region (FIR) boundary along the route of flight. Elements are ordered according to increasing duration from start.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RouteTrajectoryPoint.accumulatedEstimatedElapsedTime The estimated time required from take-off to that trajectory point.



An extension hook for attaching extension (non-core) classes.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Out of scope This concept is considered as out of the scope of the AIRM.



The category of flight rules with which the pilot intends to comply. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, Item 8]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
RouteTrajectory.flightRules The category of flight rules with which the pilot intends to comply.



A string of route elements complying with PANS-ATM Item 15c

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Change request A change request is required on the AIRM.



For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome. [ICAO Doc 4444] For a flight plan received from an aircraft in flight, the total estimated elapsed time is the estimated time from the first point of the route to which the flight plan applies to the termination point of the flight plan. [ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2, ITEM 16]

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Flight.totalEstimatedElapsedTime For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome.