

Definition: A marking painted at a position at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles are expected to stop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by the aerodrome control tower.

Properties Definition Type
aippub Definition: Specifies whether the associated location is published in AIP -
geoline Definition: Line object -
holddir Definition: Relative location of the holding side of a holding position, from startpoint to endpoint of line -
idlin Definition: Name of feature instance</para><para> Encoding: Taxiway segment name. Multiple taxiway segments can have the same name. If two or more taxiways intersect, the taxiway segment intersection is named after the predominant taxiway. If two taxiways on the same level intersect, the segment can be named arbitrarily after one of the taxiways. If a specific name for the intersection exists, the corresponding segment name is used. -
idp Definition: Names of locations being protected</para><para> Encoding: If multiple elements are protected, the list delimiter is an underscore character. Example: 07L.25R_EE. -
marktype Definition: The type of marking pattern used at this location -




A marking painted at a position at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles are expected to stop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by the aerodrome control tower.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
TaxiwayIntersectionMarking A marking painted at a position at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles are expected to stop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by the aerodrome control tower.



Specifies whether the associated location is published in AIP

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Change request A change request is required on the AIRM.



Line object

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GeoEnabledEntity.curveExtent The geometry of the entity expressed as a curve which is a connected sequence of points.



Relative location of the holding side of a holding position, from startpoint to endpoint of line

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
TaxiwayHoldingPositionMarking.holdingSide Relative location of the holding side of a holding position, from startpoint to endpoint of line



Name of feature instance</para><para> Encoding: Taxiway segment name. Multiple taxiway segments can have the same name. If two or more taxiways intersect, the taxiway segment intersection is named after the predominant taxiway. If two taxiways on the same level intersect, the segment can be named arbitrarily after one of the taxiways. If a specific name for the intersection exists, the corresponding segment name is used.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Taxiway.designator The textual designator of the taxiway.



Names of locations being protected</para><para> Encoding: If multiple elements are protected, the list delimiter is an underscore character. Example: 07L.25R_EE.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Taxiway.designator The textual designator of the taxiway.



The type of marking pattern used at this location

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
TaxiwayHoldingPositionMarking.markingPattern The type of marking pattern used at this location