

Definition: Guidance line painted on the surface of an aerodrome, typically a taxiway, deicing area, or apron.

Properties Definition Type
color Definition: The color of the feature instance -
direc Definition: Directionality of corresponding feature instance, which can be one-way or two-way -
geoline Definition: Line object -
idlin Definition: Name of feature instance</para><para> Encoding: Taxiway segment name. Multiple taxiway segments can have the same name. If two or more taxiways intersect, the taxiway segment intersection is named after the predominant taxiway. If two taxiways on the same level intersect, the segment can be named arbitrarily after one of the taxiways. If a specific name for the intersection exists, the corresponding segment name is used. -
maxspeed Definition: Maximum speed on taxiway -
status Definition: State of feature -
style Definition: Style of the line -
wingspan Definition: Maximum wingspan for this feature instance -




Guidance line painted on the surface of an aerodrome, typically a taxiway, deicing area, or apron.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GuidanceLine A line used to guide aircraft on and between airport movement areas.
CodeGuidanceLineType.TAXIWAY_GUIDANCE_LINE Guidance line painted on a taxiway.



The color of the feature instance

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
MarkingElement.colour The colour of the marking element on an aerodrome surface.



Directionality of corresponding feature instance, which can be one-way or two-way

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GuidanceLine.usageDirection The direction in which the guidance line can be used with reference to its geometry.



Line object

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GeoEnabledEntity.curveExtent The geometry of the entity expressed as a curve which is a connected sequence of points.



Name of feature instance</para><para> Encoding: Taxiway segment name. Multiple taxiway segments can have the same name. If two or more taxiways intersect, the taxiway segment intersection is named after the predominant taxiway. If two taxiways on the same level intersect, the segment can be named arbitrarily after one of the taxiways. If a specific name for the intersection exists, the corresponding segment name is used.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
Taxiway.designator The textual designator of the taxiway.



Maximum speed on taxiway

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GuidanceLine.maxSpeed The maximum ground speed permitted on a taxiway.



State of feature

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
ManoeuvringAreaAvailability.operationalStatus An indicator of the availability of the facility for specific flight operations.


Style of the line

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition The style of the marking element line, such as continuous, dotted, etc. on an aerodrome surface.



Maximum wingspan for this feature instance

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
AircraftDimensions.wingSpan The distance between the wing tips of the aircraft.