

Definition: Location of an aircraft stand.

Properties Definition Type
acft Definition: Parking stand location's feasibility for specific aircraft types</para><para> Encoding: aircraft type expressed in accordance with ICAO Document 8643 - Aircraft Type Designators - as painted on the movement surface. If there is more than one aircraft type feasible for one parking stand location, the different types are divided by a period.</para><para> Example: "B744" for Boeing 747-400, "A388" for Airbus A380. -
geopnt Definition: Point object -
idstd Definition: Name of feature instance</para><para> Encoding: official parking stand identification. Stand Guidance Lines are assigned with the adjacent parking stand area feature name (idstd). </para><para> Example: "A22" for a stand area with a single line, "A21_A22" for a stand area with two lines -
termref Definition: Terminal building associated with the feature instance -




Location of an aircraft stand.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
AircraftStand A designated area on an apron intended to be used for parking an aircraft.



Parking stand location's feasibility for specific aircraft types</para><para> Encoding: aircraft type expressed in accordance with ICAO Document 8643 - Aircraft Type Designators - as painted on the movement surface. If there is more than one aircraft type feasible for one parking stand location, the different types are divided by a period.</para><para> Example: "B744" for Boeing 747-400, "A388" for Airbus A380.

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
AircraftType.icaoIdentifier The ICAO designator of an aircraft type as published in ICAO doc 8643.



Point object

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
GeoEnabledEntity.position The geometry of the entity expressed as the position of a point on the surface of the Earth.



Name of feature instance</para><para> Encoding: official parking stand identification. Stand Guidance Lines are assigned with the adjacent parking stand area feature name (idstd). </para><para> Example: "A22" for a stand area with a single line, "A21_A22" for a stand area with two lines

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition
AircraftStand.designator The designator of an aircraft stand used to uniquely identify it at an aerodrome.



Terminal building associated with the feature instance

Semantic Correspondence
AIRM Concept Definition The name of the vertical structure.

could also be urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:Terminal@designator